Purchase of privately owned part of sodic lake bed

The aim of the action is that the total extent of sodic lake bed should be owned by environmental organizations to enforce the necessary management without impediments.


Picture: The purchasable area can be seen well in the photograph: the dark area on the right side of houses which is unambiguously part of the lake bed but still privately owned. (Photo: István Delef)


In 2009: We were negotiating on the area of the sodic lake bed (7 ha) several times with the owner. But he is still insisting on selling the land on high price.


In 2010: All year we have been in continuous coordination and negotiation by the owner but there has been no change in the situation so we could not buy the land.


In 2011: All year we have been in continuous coordination and negotiation by the owner and finally we made a verbal agreement about the selling and buying of the land at the end of the year. The action will take place until March 2012.


In 2012: The intended target of the action has been 100% achieved as after several years of correspondence and reconciliation the land was purchased (02/05/2012). The land purchase contract was done in front of a notary (Number of notarial act: 32022/Ü/739/2012/1.) which was controlled by the Court of Auditor investigation in September.


2013: The action has already been 100% achieved in 2012 and supplementary provision wasn’t necessary.