Expected results

In a 2040 hectare large SPA/ pSCI (1530, 6250) detrimental factors will be eliminated and sustainable management will be ensured by involving the local community. The habitat for nearly 500 pairs of Annex I breeding, 29,000 individuals of migrant as well as 1,000 pairs of Annex II breeding and 308,000 individuals of migrant bird species will be conserved, the conservation status of this habitat will be developed as a result of which in the case of bird species a population growth of 30% is expected. In addition, the population of millions of Annex II and other wildlife will be conserved. In the course of the project a model will be set up with the co-operation of the wider public for the restoration and sustainable management of sodic lakes in the Carpathian Basin. Results of the project will be disseminated among the wider public in a book issued in 1,000 copies.